Angel 777 Foundation

Site Overview

Greetings and Salutations, 

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This site has been active for over 4 years, and served to hosted several online projects; currently this page is being repurposed. 

The “Feature Blogs” and “Feature Galleries” sections below are legacy information, reflecting work in the excess of 2 years back.  They no longer reflect the quality and style of my current production, however they took a lot of sweat, blood, and tears to produce.  You may still find them enjoyable and they can remain here as long as they don’t conflict with current projects.     

Featured Blogs

This is Legacy information reflecting writing production work in the excess of 4 years back. This no longer reflects my current style, as all things evolve and improve over time.  However I am leaving these blogs here as you may still find some enjoyment in reading them.

Procrastination 2 Motivation
A full book authored by A.R. Markham about transformation of a stuck state into getting more done with less time and effort.
Click Here
Rants for a Better Tomorrow
These are one off articles to talk about ways we can improve the world of tomorrow
Click Here
A closer look at how our very survival depends on governmentally controlled systems. Learn how to live off the grid and become independent and free.
Click Here

Featured Galleries

This is Legacy Information reflecting past digital artistry projects during the time when I was producing art for the NFT community.  My artistic style has evolved since then; however many of these compositions are still quite beautiful in their own right and you may enjoy viewing them.    

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