To identify solutions which address root causes of social and ecological problems.
To support those solutions, preventing future disasters.
Detailed Explanation of our Mission Statement
You are Powerful
Many current global issues have gotten to the state where they are too massive for any one person or even any one organization to fix. Even if we devoted our life time to an issue like “global warming” we, by ourselves, couldn’t hope to make a impact even if we lived 10,000 years. The news broadcasts continual stories of how impossible the situation has become and if we listen long enough, we believe it. We have been sold on the sad, passive acceptance attitude: that “well I suppose it is the way it is.” We lose hope and stop trying.
This is the great LIE promoted in our culture. You, yes you, are a powerful agent for change. Chaos theory suggests the beating of a butterfly wings can create or prevent a future hurricane. In the same way all the small mindful actions you do today have a tremendous influence on future situations. In 2019 7.4 billion people became aware of Covid. It wasn’t the government, it wasn’t even W.H.O, we decided to engage in self-quarantine behaviour. This simple choice had massive impact on a economic system that became far to specialized and far to calibrated for established consumer behaviour. It couldn’t deal with such a massive shift that that simple decisions lead to. Government were scrambling to make it look like they were in control of the situation, unshakable institutions well established in their industries were crumbling. Economic Empires shifted as a direct result of a small decision everyone made.
Never forget how powerful your influence is on the future. The actions of one person, in the right place at the right time, can literally change the future. One person discovered electricity, One person built a car, One decided to create a powered airplane and got his brother to help. One had a vision of a free India, another wanted to end apartheid in south Africa. They all chose to ignore people who held the “it can’t be done, accept the way it is” attitude. And our future is better for it. All these great people have 1 head, 2 arms, 2 legs. They have nothing more or less than what you have, they just chose to do something different with it and their impact changed everything. Never forget your choices have massive impact.
Angel 777 mission statement promotes a mental shift
The majority of charitable organization spend far too much time, money and effort on damage control activities. We are reacting to disasters and trying to save lives that are in immediate distress. Someone who is starving doesn’t care where the food comes from, they just want to be fed. So we feed them. Someone with a broken arm wants medical aid. So we aid them. Ironically after we have solved the emergency we feel like we are ‘done’. So how about spending time on developing sustainable farmlands? How about setting up safety procedures so someone else doesn’t hurt themselves the same way? We like to assume that ‘somebody somewhere’ is looking into this, but all the donation funding is going into damage control, not preventative measures.
Preventing a future disaster, making it a situation that never happened, is FAR FAR FAR more economical, easier, and achievable than attempting to clean up a disaster that already happened. The problem is that a non-events aren’t very dramatic, and don’t get a reaction from the average citizen. Governments have been regulating the automotive industry for years and imposing safety standards on the designs of automobiles. Automotive manufacturing companies begrudging accepts governmental safety regulations because such modifications cuts into their profit margins, but accepts them as a cost of doing business. As a result small teams of governmental regulators are directly responsible for having prevented a legion of pain and suffering. Because we have legal requirements to wear seatbelts, the accident that should have made you a quadriplegic, allowed you to walk out of a car wreck shocked and bruised. While people complain and sue each other over whose fault it was over a minor thing like a car crash they forget to be thankful for being alive an whole. Being a quadriplegic for the remainder of your life became a non-event due to preventative measures wisely taken in the past.
Work on causes not symptoms
When you think about all the major problems in the world today, you can’t help but notice that they are always due to past negligence. People didn’t think about their actions in the past, and that situation grew into the monster that it has become today. We must start looking at today as the seed of tomorrow. Angel 777 supports charitable and scientific organizations working to address causes. Solving the roots of a problem will prevent those disasters of tomorrow. Don’t worry, we will always have emergencies to deal with. But with more focus on prevention, there will be fewer future disasters overall, meaning more resources will be available to manage the ones that do crop up.
Angel 777 promotes ideas which allow you to create a better future on a personal level. Personal harmony creates family harmony which creates world harmony. You are that butterfly which has massive impact on the shape tomorrow takes.