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Exhibition – Eyes Have It (EHI-Home)
This is the Home Page for “Gallery of the Impossible”.
“Eyes Have It” Salon – Tripped Out
Tripped Out Immerse yourself in the mind-bending world of “Tripped Out ,” where extreme rainbow colors ignite a vivid acid trip. Step into a realm styled for the drug and hippy culture, where surreal, distorted eyes burst with vibrant energy. Explore a collection of meticulously detailed artworks that push the boundaries of perception and transport […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – World Of Eyes
World Of Eyes Welcome to the mesmerizing “World of Eyes,” where the gaze transcends individuality and intertwines with the expansive landscapes that surround us. Prepare to be captivated by a collection of non-god eye shots that evoke a sense of connectedness to the environment in a truly trippy manner. Immerse yourself in the captivating scenes […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – Very Not Human
Very NOT Human Enter the captivating salon of “Very Not Human,” where eyes transcend the bounds of humanity and venture into the realms of the extraordinary. Explore a collection of non-human eyes that embody the essence of animals, aliens, and fantastical creatures. Witness the captivating gaze of beings not of this world or dimension, and […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – An Eye on Technology
An Eye for Technology Welcome to a salon that delves into the fascinating intersection of technology and vision. Brace yourself for a mesmerizing collection featuring cybernetic wonders, virtual reality realms, mechanical marvels, and even rocket-powered eyes. In this extraordinary exhibition, immerse yourself in a world where the boundaries between humanity and technology blur. Witness the […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – Illuminati Inspired
Illuminati Inspired Step into the captivating realm of “Illuminati Inspired,” where artistry and intrigue converge to unveil a mesmerizing exhibition. Prepare to be immersed in a collection that transcends the ordinary, offering a thought-provoking exploration of pyramids, conspiracy, and the enigmatic forces that shape our perceptions. Within this salon, prepare to witness the remarkable artistry […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – Fractal Vision
Fractal Vision Enter the mesmerizing world of “Fractal Vision,” where the power of mathematics intertwines with the captivating allure of the eye. Prepare to be immersed in a collection of highly intricate and meticulously crafted eye designs, each born from the depths of fractal algorithms. In this salon, witness the extraordinary fusion of art and […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – Eye of God
Eye of God Step into the awe-inspiring realm of “Eye of God,” where the omnipotent gaze of a massive deity-like eye surveys humanity and the world beyond. Brace yourself for a collection of unsettling and thought-provoking images that explore the boundaries of power, observation, and existential contemplation. In this mesmerizing salon, prepare to be confronted […]
“Eyes Have It” Salon – What Flowers Observe
What Flowers Observe Prepare to be transported into a surreal botanical realm with “What Flowers Observe,” an exhibition that blurs the boundaries of reality and imagination. Behold a mesmerizing display of photo-realistic eyes nestled within vibrant, otherworldly flowers. This unique fusion of nature and perception will captivate your senses and ignite your imagination. In this […]