Angel 777 Foundation

Flights of Fantastic Fantasy

Welcome to Flights of Fantastic Fantasy.  This exhibition is where you start wandering down into the strange and magical lands of Wyr, where exotic beings dwell.  Mind your step here be dragons.

The images below are a sample of what awaits you in the Salons listed below.  Simply click on a title to view the collection.  We opted for this presentation style for a less cluttered and more relaxed viewing experience.  Click a specific image will bring up full screen viewing options and a higher resolution image than the thumbnails below. Enjoy your stay.

More To See!

If you love the eye candy you’ve seen so far, then get ready for a big WOW from the other attractions in the Salons below.  We recommend logging in before continuing, so you’ll have a smooth experience as you peruse the many Salons in each exhibit.

Available Salons

Salon 1

The Wee Folk

A wonderful display of the little spirits of the forests and glens, the Faye folk, which are of the Seelie and Unseelie sort.

Salon 2

She of the Sea

Hope your not afraid to get your feet wet…

Salon 3

Mother Nature

Mother Nature takes on many different faces and forms… a mercurial and dangerous she, she is. 

Salon 4

Fantastical Fauna

Wild life from the far out regions of imagination

Salon 5

Dragons of Deep Wood

Here there be dragons!

Salon 6

Dreamland Dwellings

Visit me in the residence of my dreams…

Salon 7

The Enchanted Lands

Wander the less traveled path…

Table of Contents