Angel 777 Foundation

Help Desk

Hey, we strive to make everything in the impossible gallery, clear, easy and transparent.  Having said that, we are all human… meaning I probably missed something that is painfully obvious to you.   So if you have questions, comments or suggestions for ways that we can improve the gallery, I do want to hear from you. 

After setting up a few contact forms, I decided to drop them from the gallery in favor of direct email.  I want a system where you can get the answers as fast as possible and as directly as possible.  Many forms make administration more complex and are geared for ignoring large numbers of people, or directing them to a customer service department without enabling them with the ability to change policy if needed.   It is my personal pet peeve when I contact other major companies.  SO in this gallery I would like you to contact me directly so we can fix issues as quickly as possible.    

Couple of requests: 

1) This is a small operation, so please check the FAQs (frequently asked questions) before asking for help.  When someone has a serious question, I will do my best to answer it, then immediately create an FAQ for anyone else who notices the same problem.  This has two effects.  First you get your answer right away (even if we are sleeping).  Second, we spend more time working on new exhibits rather than focusing on administration and policy snafus. If there is no FAQ or if the current FAQ doesn’t answer your question then please do send us an email.  We can’t fix a problem we don’t know about, and an unclear FAQ is something that needs to be fixed too. 

2) Please don’t spam us with the same request over and over and over.  Some people believe “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and badger large organizations until they are forced to comply.  It is rude for large corporations to ignore their customers, forcing them to use these equally rude tactics to get noticed.  The Angel 777 Foundation does not work that way.  We believe in how you are to others is how they are to you.  So be nice and we will get back to you right away.  But send us a dozen letters of the same issue and it won’t be seen until we clean up the anti-spam bot once a month or so.

FAQ Section

This is where we will be answering our Frequently Asked Questions

Currently we don’t have any, so this is only a place holder for future use.

Contact Info

Patron Feedback: Suggestions to improve the gallery, requests for new exhibits, things you want to see, things you really object to seeing:

Customer Concierge: Anything related to our (Account management)

Business Direct: for Marketing, Press Releases, Financial and Legal Issues.


NOTE1: For the time being these are all directed to the same location, and in the interest of transparency,  that is why these all look the same.  As the size and complexity of our organization grows, these functions will be directed When the organization grows these specific functions will automatically be routed to people in charge of those specific functions.  We aim to always keep the personal touch no matter how large we get.

NOTE2: for some bizarre reason, many browsers are set up to handle “mailto” function.  If you click on the above email and nothing happens, then simply copy paste the above link into your whatever you use to send emails.

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