Everyone on this planet moves forward in time at 60 seconds every minute, 60 minutes every hour and 24 hours every day. Every day you will do “stuff.” Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. These actions will either improve your life or make your situation worse. Like it or not, intentional or not, the small action you do every day accumulates and create spectacular results. Mount Rushmore was created with a hammer, a chisel and a lot of chipping… lots and lots of chipping. A person who loafs around on the sofa and eats junk food isn’t necessarily overweight, but the person who weighs over 500lb has been doing those same small actions every day for years. Whether you are aware of them or not, habits make up your life, so mind your habits!
Taking stock of your daily personal habits can be a humbling experience. Awareness of our own bad habits can leave you sad and helpless. You may feel like you are challenging personal demons which have been screwing up your life for such a long time. You don’t feel like you have the “will power” to change… Maybe if we put it off till tomorrow…
What total bull shit!
Snails don’t have a “back bone.” They don’t need willpower, determination, or tenacity to change anything. If they don’t like the direction they are going, they turn their nose to a new direction. Then they just keep on trucking. That is really the answer. If sitting on a nail hurts… don’t sit on that nail today. If you hate your weight, toss that bag of potato chips in the trash and eat an apple. It isn’t about making a big change, just a bunch of little ones.
Your Super Power
You have a super power, a power which places you far above most other life forms on the planet. When I tell people about their super power, they are shocked and amazed because it is 100% true, and 100% obvious, and 100% something they never thought about before. It is more powerful than the great strength of an elephant, more awesome than the speed of a cheetah, more deadly than the jaws of a shark. It is your personal evolutionary advantage, it is why you (yes you) are a pan-global apex predator.
Most animals evolve to become more adapted to be able to survive in their environment. This includes their brain and knowledge. Most animals (especially insects) are born with instinctual knowledge; it means they know how to use their bodies, how to use their senses, what to eat, how to find it, and what dangers they need to avoid. In short, they come preloaded with everything they need to survive and are “ready to go” moments after their birth.
When compared to other animals, humans have a ridiculously long on boarding process. For the first five years we cannot survive without an adult guardian. We are children for more than a decade and not considered a true adult until our 20s. This is longer than the life span of most wild animals.
And we have to learn everything from scratch. At a young age we learn how to see, learn how to use our hands, learn how to walk. We do have a few instincts: babies will seek out a nipple, and toddlers want to stay close to their parents, but in large our brain is mostly empty when we come into the world. Every time a new human is born, we have to learn everything from scratch.
This may not sound like much of a super power, but it really is why we are the most bad ass critter on the planet, why there are 7 billion humans, and why we don’t have any natural predators.
Why Being Human is So Cool
The age of dinosaurs lasted for millions of years. Yet at some point, many millions of years ago, there was a cataclysmic event that caused mass extinctions over the next 3 months. The death of large dinosaurs allowed mammals to spread into vacant environmental niches. Have you ever wondered, Why mammals? Why didn’t small dinosaurs take back the planet rather than evolving into birds? Why not lizards? Insects were (and still are) far more prolific, why didn’t they grow to fill the environmental niches left in the wake of the dinosaurs? What is so special about being a mammal?
Whatever happened, it dramatically changed the environment over a short period. The mammals at that age were a small shrew that developed a little brain that wasn’t purely filled with instinctual knowledge (it had instincts, but probably wasn’t 100% preloaded). It had an ability to observe its environment and modify its behaviour to new conditions. All creatures can do this, but because mammals aren’t as specialized in specific survival strategies as other creatures, they have more variety in the behaviours they can perform. Their brain gave them a little more ability to shift their behaviour. Lack of specialization gave our little shrew the ability to “move in” on a vacant environmental niche by adjusting its behaviours a long time before their bodies could evolve into more specialized strategies. Creatures with instincts could only change once ever generation. The ability to learn and change strategies within their lifespan gave mammals a huge competitive advantage.
Having a flexible mind turned out to be a neat trick and allowed the mammalian brain to spread across the planet like wildfire. A few million years later it shows up in all higher life forms becoming bears, elephants, tigers, kangaroos, giraffes, and whales. Generalization means lack of specialization. Observing the environment and being open to learning new strategies meant you couldn’t be born preloaded with knowledge or using special strategies.
Somewhere in Africa, a little monkey became a specialist in “generalization.” It may have started as a tree dwelling creature (and had a tail) but became adapted to living on the planes. It developed a biped locomotion allowing it to detect threats early and was quite good at long distance running. This allowed it to outpace most predators. They were also fair swimmers and reasonable climbers possessing different strategies to escape. It also developed omnivorous eating patterns, taking advantage of a variety of different food sources. More important than their body was their mind. They were curious, always alert for new and better ways of doing things. They found they became far more dangerous in groups than as an individual, so they refined the ability to share complex ideas with each other… this led to complex language.
When a specialist creature (like a spider) makes a mistake, it usually ends up dead. The more specialized it is, the more it is “locked into” a specific survival strategy. Humans are the masters of being general. We are the most versatile, multi-cellular creature on the planet. We exist miles under the ocean, in arctic conditions, in deserts, even in outer space. No other large creature has this kind of flexibility. Our planetary population is currently at 7 billion making us far from the endangered species. Our biggest threat is from ourselves.
You, as a human being, are a generalist creature. You have the ability to change your behaviours if you so choose to do so. You can make mistakes and learn from them. You also have the freedom to do the same thing over and over again if you like. This is what it means to have “Free Will.”
Use Your Power
Having the power of “Free Will” means you are not fixed to a specific path. While most animals are tied to a specific strategy, you, as a human, are untethered and able to choose many paths. You are in the driver seat of a car called “your life.” This is both a curse and a blessing.
Responsibility and Control
People love the idea of being in control, being in charge, having the power. Yet, at the same time, people shy away from responsibility. “Having control over something” and “being responsible for something” is the same idea. You cannot have control without being responsible. This means that before you can change a horrible, overwhelming situation you are currently in, you have to accept the idea that it was a product of poor choices you have made up to this point. Not a lot of people can accept this idea. It is easier to play the victim, to feel at the mercy of forces beyond your control. While this releases you of responsibility to fix it, it also disables your power.
Being at the mercy of the environment is true for all specialized life forms on this planet, except you are not a specialized life form. You are a human, and a specialist at being flexible. You have free will; your choices set your daily habits, those daily habits have little results, those little results accumulated into the massive situation you are currently in. You are not a slave to instinctual knowledge, nothing forces you to do the same today as you have done yesterday. You may have done the same stupid thing every day for the last ten years, but today is a new day. Being human and having free will means you are in the driver’s seat of your life… and you always were and always will be.
Habits are powerful, and automatic; they are throwbacks to instinctual behaviours. Often habits make you feel like you are locked into a specific behaviour. The reason mammals dominate the planet and dinosaurs (birds) didn’t reclaim it was simply because the mammalian brain could adapt to the new situation faster than the small dinosaurs could. Mammals started us down the road of learning and growing because we weren’t stuck on pre-set patterns. Yet, no mammal on the planet has developed this brain to the extent that humans have. We can exist in all biospheres, we can migrate (with airplanes) faster than any other life form, we can manipulate molecules and move mountains. As all other creatures evolve and adapt themselves to become better suited to their specific environment, humans have learned how to vastly alter the environment to suit their needs.
The exact same tools of habitual action than can be used unconsciously to create a miserable situation… are the exact same tools you can use to transform your life for the better.
If you’re a Bird… use your wings and fly.
If you’re a Tiger… use your claws and hunt.
You’re a Human… use your free will and define yourself.
For more on this topic, check out:

Ch07a: What is Overload Procrastination

Ch07b: Where people get Overloaded

Ch07c: Mind Your Habits!

Ch07d: How to Choose Better Habits