Angel 777 Foundation


Procrastination to Motivation... (aka How to get Sh!t Done)

Everyone Has & No One Admits

Everyone has and no one admits
Humans are a strange lot. Everyone has moments where we don’t what to do what we need to do, so we put it off, schedule it for the future, but when that time happens, we put it off again; we procrastinate. At the same time we delude ourselves into believing we are the only person being lazy and feel embarrassed about our lack of productivity. We hide it and make excuses for our laziness. We often expend more mental energy and stress to engage in procrastination than we would have if we simply did the task.

Procrastination is one of those strange conditions which actively hides itself from the conscious mind and resists being “cured.” Untreated, procrastination can block career advancement, torpedo your romantic relationships and makes progress 10 times harder. In 1973, an estimated 5% of the adult human population suffered from chronic levels of procrastination. In 2019, it rose to 26%. Take a moment to digest that. If you know 4 people, one of them is procrastinating at a pathological level, where they could benefit from regular visits to a psychologist. And most of these folk can’t even acknowledge it as a problem to themselves. Still feel alone?

What This Blog is About

This blog take a deep look at procrastination.  By exploring and understanding the mechanism behind procrastination we also discover how to unlock the doors to effortless hyper-productivity.  Each chapter in this book provides mental hacks, tricks and tips to understand how to get more done with less time and effort… or a state I like to call “Hyper-Productivity”. 

snail peeking out

Ch01: Motivation as Perception, Not Willpower.

This article suggests that motivation is not a function of willpower, of forcing yourself into action. Rather it is a function of how you represent a task in your mind.

woman in black shirt with yellow and red mask

Ch02a: Procrastination Meaning

Procrastination is a mental state which actively works to keep itself hidden from the conscious mind. Self delusion is vital to maintain procrastination as a mental condition.

Ch04: Lethargy vs Procrastination

Discussion of the difference between lethargy, a physical condition, and Procrastination, a habitual mental state. Provides solutions for lethargy.

Ch06: Clarifying Goals

A different take on SMART goals and how to use them strategically to improve results.

Ch07b: Where people get Overloaded

Procrastination often hits hardest when you feel overloaded. This is a way to reframe how you see a task to reduce stress about it

Ch07c: Mind Your Habits!

This article brings attention to the little things you do on a daily basis. These little habits determine your happiness and health in life.

Ch07d: How to Choose Better Habits

Most of us have little awareness of our habitual choices. However at any time we can exert conscious control over our habits, thus creating a different life path.

Table of Contents